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This is a site from a Retired Marion Firefighter

MFD News (Archives)

Council accepts Unions concession package
Each Firefighter gave up a lot in order to put this package together, but hopefully we will avert layoffs and continue to provide excellent service for the residents of Marion.
Posted by stoney on Tuesday, April 26 2011

Council Meeting Tonight at 7pm
They will be discussing and possibly voting on whether to accept IAFF Local 379's concession package
Posted by stoney on Monday, April 25 2011

Layoff notices given to Firefighters
Twelve layoff notices were given Firefighters/Paramedics/EMT's on Friday
Posted by stoney on Monday, April 25 2011

New Firefighters hired
Jeremy Price and Aaron Niederkohr are the two newest firefighters on the Marion Fire Department.
Posted by stoney on Sunday, September 12 2010

Good Luck Dave
Dave Strayer is riding in the Hoka Hey Challenge A 7,000 mile motorcycle ride competition from Key West to Alaska, for $500,000 winner take all. BE SAFE!!!
Posted by stoney on Friday, June 18 2010

Agility test
The agility test went well today. Good luck on the written portion of the test.
Posted by stoney on Saturday, May 1 2010

Practice today
Practice for the agility test is today at 10am. The actual agility test will be next saturday May 1, at station #1 at 10am.
Posted by stoney on Saturday, April 24 2010

Entrance Exam posted by Civil Service
Civil Service has posted an entrance exam for Firefighter.
Posting page 1 / PDF
Posting page 2 / PDF
Applications must be in by April 16, 2010 at 2:00pm
Download Application

Posted by stoney on Monday, March 29 2010

Entrance exams not posted yet
Check back often, there are rumors that we will be giving an entrance exam in the near future.
Posted by stoney on Saturday, March 13 2010

Promotional exams posted yesterday.
Posted by stoney on Saturday, March 13 2010

Interim Chief
Asst. Chief Zwolle will be the interim Chief of the Marion Fire Dept. pending a promotional exam. Asst. Chief Cowell is the only other officer eligible to take the promotional exam.
Posted by stoney on Friday, February 26 2010

Chief Gruber retires
Chief Gruber retired Jan 20, 2010
Posted by stoney on Friday, February 26 2010

Chief Kinsler retires
Chief Kinsler retired at the beginning of 2010, a great mentor and a good friend. Have a great retirement.
Posted by stoney on Friday, February 26 2010

Happy New Year
Posted by stoney on Friday, January 1 2010

Merry Christmas

Posted by stoney on Friday, December 25 2009

Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by stoney on Thursday, June 4 2009

Fatal fire
Two children died in an apartment fire this afternoon
Posted by stoney on Friday, May 8 2009

Merry Christmas
It's been awhile since I have posted anything, problems with the server and just too busy, but anyway have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Posted by stoney on Wednesday, December 24 2008

Newt gets promoted
Newt gets promoted to Captain (Training Officer). Congratulations Newt!
Posted by stoney on Monday, September 8 2008


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